Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego’s mission is to connect families (and individuals) with disabilities to resources, services and opportunities while encouraging an inclusive community and enhancing quality of life.
Local people from the special needs community came to our for-profit company, San Diego Family, and asked for help. There were many resources available in the community but they were not accumulated or accessible in a single resource. The community wanted and needed one collective place to access resources in our community. We wanted to help the special needs community, so we accepted this challenge and created the annual publication Flourishing Families. For the community’s convenience, we’ve also posted these resources in a searchable database. Advocates use Flourishing Families to inform parents of all the resources available in the community and to point them in the right direction for help.
We’ve received so much positive feedback and want this publication to continue to grow. In January 2014, we filed as a California nonprofit corporation, Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego. By creating a nonprofit we are allowed to apply for various private, local, state and national grants. In addition it enables us to accept charitable donations and seek out individual and corporate sponsorships for our fundraising activities.