Able-Disabled Advocacy
Program designed to give people with disabilities the opportunity to complete their education, connect with apprenticeships, and receive workforce training, mental health services and housing assistance.
Program designed to give people with disabilities the opportunity to complete their education, connect with apprenticeships, and receive workforce training, mental health services and housing assistance.
Annual five-day leadership program for teens with disabilities that provides information and resources about employment, education, independence and assistive technology at CSU Sacramento.
Post-secondary programs at six colleges provide young adults with Asperger’s, Autism, ADHD, nonverbal and other learning differences with the social, academic, career and life skills necessary for success.
Provides services and courses to help students with disabilities reach their academic and vocational goals. The instructional component promotes equal participation in mainstream academic programs. TTY: 619-388-3313
Helps students with ASD and learning disabilities transition to college (applying, class registration, accommodations, organizing assignments, social skills, tutoring and communicating with professors).
Facilitates inclusive learning environments and increases access and success for students with disabilities through innovative support services.
Serves Point Loma Nazarene students with a learning, physical, medical, or psychological disability through tutoring, paper editing, assistive devices, and other accommodations.
Website for students with disabilities and health issues, their families and healthcare providers. Provides information and video training to assist in the college prep process.
Promotes integration of all individuals into education, work, family and community life. Conducts research, training and education using a variety of strategies.
Program designed to help students succeed at college by developing a Student Education Plan according to academic and vocational goals, strengths and limitations. TTY: 619-388-7301
Facilitates services for students with disabilities and creates an encouraging environment enabling them to participate in regular college curriculum. TTY: 760-736-4618
Provides adults with disabilities who are ready, willing and able to work, the opportunity to find employment and independence through job placement and training under the supervision of PWI job coaches.
City College, Mesa, Miramar and Continuing Education.
Programs for students with learning and physical disabilities.
Eligibility services, assistive tech, tutors, note takers, test accommodations and more to keep SDSU students on track for success.
Calpulli Center
A model for learning that supports any age and learning style and meets the needs of students while maintaining individual supports to help them reach their goals through the transition stage.
National organization with 22 programs in CA dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education for people with intellectual disabilities. Supports evidence-based and student-centered research.
This program of the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers helps encourage independence and self-advocacy through resources, leadership development opportunities, and community connections.
800-900-0706 TDD