AccentCare Home Health of CA, Inc.
Provides 1:1 shift nursing and credentialed nurse case management in San Diego County. Partners with San Diego County school districts, Medi-Cal, private insurances and 0-3 programs.
Provides 1:1 shift nursing and credentialed nurse case management in San Diego County. Partners with San Diego County school districts, Medi-Cal, private insurances and 0-3 programs.
In-home care for adults, teens and children with disabilities.
Childcare for kids with special needs, Certified Nursing Assistants for in-home 24-hour care or occupational, physical, speech and IV therapies.
Nonprofit offers rental assistance, help with home ownership and assisted-living support such as roommates and home healthcare.
981 Vale Terrace Dr.
Vista, CA 92084
Resources for consumers and providers for In-home supportive care. Multiple regional offices
Provides comprehensive nurse assessment, ER transition services, IV and infusion care, injectable medication and medication schedule training, wound care, palliative care, rehabilitation therapy, tube feeding supplies and training, incontinence supplies and training and social workers for help with insurance for children with long-term or complex medical needs.
A faith-filled, family-owned business serving the special needs community for over a decade. We provide a safe environment for our patients to receive quality care in the comfort of their homes. When our grandson Donovan was born with Down syndrome, it ignited a passion and respect for serving the special needs community. It’s a privilege to serve you with excellence.
Provider of care management and in-home care services. Certified professionals work with aging families planning ahead for the care of adult children with disabilities.