2-1-1 Information
Referral one-stop shopping for health and welfare needs. Operators take full case histories and provide a plethora of resources. They also have information about court-ordered parenting classes
Referral one-stop shopping for health and welfare needs. Operators take full case histories and provide a plethora of resources. They also have information about court-ordered parenting classes
Provides individualized support, services and activities relevant to a person’s age, preferences and culture. Offers day programs, independent living services and 1:1 supported living services in the client’s home or community.
Offers free education, resources, and one-on-one support to families and professionals caring for those with developmental disabilities and dementia.
Founded by award-winning speaker and author Chantal Sicile-Kira, this online source for information and training on Autism and ASD offers advice for raising children and teens with ASD and invaluable resources for the transition to adulthood.
Works to improve quality of life of those with disabilities and chronic conditions by providing education, support and resources to family caregivers.
Dr. Bruce Perry’s site translates emerging findings about the human brain and child development into practical implications for the ways we nurture, protect, educate and heal children.
Online group of researchers, families and youth, clinician partners and national organizations, working to assess and improve coordinated care and health systems for youth with special health care needs.
Family Support Network offering information, education, social events, advocacy, public policy initiatives, pre/postnatal consults, support groups (English/Spanish) and lending library.
Monthly activities for families with disabilities including Dad’s Night, Mom’s Night, and other fun events. Follow on Facebook for current activities.
International charitable organization devoted to providing opportunities for children with physical disabilities.
Community-based collaborative agency, staffed by parents and professionals, provides families with information, education and support. Resource library, parent groups, referrals and information about court-ordered parenting classes. Services and supports are offered in English and Spanish.
Improves the quality of life for family caregivers and the people who receive their care. Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Tagalog.
National organization and network of families with special healthcare needs and disabilities that promote partnerships with families, including those of cultural, linguistic and geographic diversity, to improve healthcare systems for children.
Monthly support group for Filipino-American families.
Promotes the health and well-being of young children during their most critical years of development, from the prenatal stage through age 5.
Provides support in San Diego and Imperial Counties for individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) and their families, in the form of affordable housing access, micro-enterprise job development, emergency assistance, and scholarship opportunities for students entering the DD field.
Group, parent and student coaching for improving communication and relationships for individuals with ADHD.
Faith-based nonprofit dedicated to growing a thriving community where families with children of all ages with special needs can get connected, be encouraged, and find hope for the road ahead through resources, events, monthly support groups and more.
Roya Kravetz, professional coach and certified parent educator.
YMCA of San Diego County supports kinship caregivers, relatives who are raising the child of another family member through resources, case management. Support groups and respite care.
Offers counseling for children and adolescents with ADHD, Anxiety, behavioral issues, Depression and trauma/PTSD.
Specializes in mindfulness-based psychotherapy and offers parenting groups for parents of children with disabilities or typical developmental challenges.
5190 Governor Dr. #104
SD, 92122
Creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Marriage and Family Counseling for families with special needs.
Help navigate IEP process for learning disabilities.
PAT provides information, trainings, and educational and emotional support to San Diego County parents of kids with special needs as they navigate their child’s rights under IDEA 2004.
PHP provides information, training, individual assistance and resources.
Nikki Mcintosh’s podcast hosts a different mom of a child with a rare disease each week for hope and resources.
Nonprofit network of community-based, bilingual peer support and advocacy. Speaking engagements and disability awareness events for those with physical disabilities. Connects individuals with medical supplies and equipment.
Marriage and family therapists, educators, social workers and psychologists with expertise in parenting, Autism, grief, depression, anxiety, play therapy and more.
Provides San Diego County parents multiple ways to stay connected to parenting support and family fun! Free monthly magazine, website and eNewsletter offer articles and resources for camps, health, education, holidays, local activities and much more. Visit the website and stay connected through Facebook and Instagram.
Serves as a focal point in San Diego and Imperial Counties that provides services and community resources for families of individuals with developmental disabilities.
Low to moderate income nutrition referral assistance program for pregnant and postpartum women and children 0-5.
Connects families and individuals with disabilities to resources, services and opportunities while encouraging an inclusive community and enhancing quality of life. The foundation (in partnership with San Diego Family Magazine) publishes and distributes the annual edition of Flourishing Families and a bi-monthly eNewsletter, and offers several awesome annual events for families with disabilities. Visit website to get connected.
Guides adults through the process of finding services for students and adults with developmental disabilities. Classes are available to become a qualified life coach for those with special needs for parents and professionals.
555 Deer Springs Rd.
San Marcos, 92069
Largest provider of services to children and adults with disabilities in San Diego County, including parent/infant programs, independent living and vocational skills training, camps and recreational activities. Also a leader in government advocacy for persons with disabilities.
A licensed resource (foster) family agency providing placements for youth with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Family-focused program offers support to birth families and their children with the goal of addressing needs before reaching a crisis level. Assessment and intervention services provide support and inclusive programs to individuals.
Family service programs identify and address mental health needs and substance abuse issues, and assist clients with creating healthy interpersonal relationships. Multiple SD County locations
Eight-week course to teach mindful coping skills.
Works to improve the mental health and education of the Asian, Pacific Islander and other ethnic communities of San Diego County through multicultural community counseling, addiction treatment and small business support.
Foster care program for children with disabilities and medical needs. Kids are placed with specially trained, certified foster families. Training and support provided.
Xcite Steps is now part of Invo Companies. Provides ABA resources and more to families.