ACES, Inc.
Offers behavioral and educational services in the home, school, community and at the accredited ACES Academy.
Offers behavioral and educational services in the home, school, community and at the accredited ACES Academy.
Online peer group assessment and matching for individuals with Autism.
Program that pairs students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in one-to-one friendships with typical peers. Planned social events provide the opportunity for adults with IDD to be involved in campus and community life.
Engaging, educational software for children and young adults with social learning challenges; teaches users how to manage social situations.
Year-round fun, themed social skills group for ages 16–20 with ID/DD.
Social support coordinators work on individualized plans and consumer interests, help navigate barriers, promote better quality of life and increase access to recreation.
Everyone deserves an inclusive place to go for love, respect and, most importantly, friendship. We foster friendships between people with special needs of all ages and stages, with their typically developing peers.
Therapeutic services using a unique approach based on symptoms and the whole child, versus a diagnosis or label. Offers speech, occupational, physical therapies, social skills groups and child psychology. SDRC or fee for service.
Community and ABA-based social skills groups give children and teens opportunities to generalize skills in natural and fun recreational settings. Age-appropriate groups provide the best support while maintaining independence.
A social membership club developed for and by adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Theater and dance programs designed to empower kids with special needs. Dance North County
Provides research-supported social skills training for teens and young adults with social challenges.
Using Social Thinking curriculum, helps kids and young adults communicate and connect, follow timelines, determine the intent of others, and manage emotions.
Michelle Garcia Winner’s program teaches students with Autism and social deficits how to recognize and respond to social cues.
Provides adults with disabilities a variety of activities such as bowling, karaoke, movie nights and dances all with the goal of helping members meet new friends with common interests.
Therapy center offering North County kids ages 0–18 with ASD or developmental delay ABA services, OT, PT, SLP, counseling and social skills programs.
Individual, family and group therapy to address anxiety, depression, ADHD, ASD and other emotional or behavioral related issues. Offers the PEERS social skills program for teens and young adults in the Rancho Bernardo office.
Provides the opportunity for local, meaningful, diverse adult relationship connections in a protected environment.
Community and ABA-based social skills groups give children and teens opportunities to generalize skills in natural and fun recreational settings. Age-appropriate groups 1:1 and 3:1 are offered to provide the best support while maintaining independence.