Canine Companions for Independence
Nonprofit organization enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support.
Nonprofit organization enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support.
Six-week, virtual, therapy dog training course with a certified trainer and behavioralist to provide comfort and companionship in a therapeutic setting.
Places canine companions in homes of kids with Autism to increase calm, safety and communication, and to help build social bridges.
Trains privately owned dogs to work as personal service dogs. Each dog is trained with skills needed for each individual owner. Training for therapy dogs, PTSD, and mobility support service dogs.
Shadowridge Veterinary Hospital
Volunteer members and their registered pets provide scheduled, animal-assisted activities/therapy services at local hospitals, nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, schools and children’s centers.
Service dogs for people with physical disabilities and facility dogs to enhance the experiences in a therapeutic setting. Dogs work with trainers and therapists to serve children and adults.
Pet Assisted Therapy introduces volunteers and their trained therapy dogs to people who benefit from time with animals for love and comfort.
Local nonprofit provides trained dogs for those with Autism, mobility issues and wounded warriors. Recipients receive training on care, health and safety; and TLCAD works to ensure the relationship and recertification for the remainder of the dog’s life.