A Reason to Survive (ARTS)
Provides afterschool art education, internships with professional mentors, youth-led community development, counseling services and leadership training to build job skills for students with mental health challenges.
Provides afterschool art education, internships with professional mentors, youth-led community development, counseling services and leadership training to build job skills for students with mental health challenges.
Offers behavioral and educational services in the home, school, community and at the accredited ACES Academy.
Provides vocational counseling, job placement, community-living skills training, residential support and crisis intervention to individuals with disabilities.
Beacons provides low-ratio postsecondary options for neurodiverse adults in over 60 areas including 3D design, barista training, Canva graphic design, creative arts, customer service, entrepreneurial skills, food handling, Procreate, social recreational, soft skills and more!
Nonprofit provides vocational training, job placement and coaching.
Works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy for competitive employment, independent living, and equality for individuals with disabilities.
San Diego: 619-767-2100
Chula Vista: 619-426-8720
Mission Valley: 619-293-3500
Comprehensive program for adults with Autism, developmental delays and/or learning disabilities providing vocational and life skills training in agriculture, hospitality and the arts.
Specialized treatment center, residential care and private school program serving ages 12–22 who have an intellectual disability and suffer from significant mental health challenges.
Assessment and day program for teens and adults with disabilities who want to be more involved in their community or enter the workforce. Services include independent living skills, hygiene, job readiness training and social skills training.
NFAR’s vocational training programs are designed to advance work skills for neurodivergent young adults. Whether it’s to explore interests or to gain technical expertise and certifications, these comprehensive programs combine hard and soft skills training so that participants can feel more confident and successful when taking that next step.
Nonprofit that educates and empowers low-income adults with developmental disabilities with supported employment, tailored day independent living and community engagement services.
Fresh produce harvested and packaged by people with disabilities. Partnerships with community farms help eliminate food waste and give food security to families.
Provides adults with disabilities who are ready, willing and able to work, the opportunity to find employment and independence through job placement and training under the supervision of PWI job coaches.
Provides inclusive access to art, culture, social practice and environmental education through the framework of creative workspace. Builds artistic vocational skills for micro-business creation.
Four vocational options with skills training, coaching and transportation supports. Includes individual employment with 1:1 job coaching, employment in a group setting or in small crew service jobs within the community, and direct placement.
Employment options for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including integrated work, supported employment and tailored day services. Helps clients find employment and integrate into the community.
One-on-one culinary mentorship with an experienced professional baker. Instruction within the neurodiverse community, cultivating the exploration and skills needed to operate a food industry business.
Partnership between SDCCD and California Department of Rehabilitation provides career counseling to students with disabilities with the goal of obtaining and retaining employment.