Calvary Lutheran Church
Inclusive, accepting worship service. Call about possible Rejoicing Spirits Non-Shush Ministry.
Inclusive, accepting worship service. Call about possible Rejoicing Spirits Non-Shush Ministry.
Collaborate with parents to come up with individualized plans for their children with special needs. Call ahead to determine the best services needed.
Special needs ministry including a cool down room, buddy program, special needs classroom and separate family room with live feed of church services.
Worship service and church experience adapted to meet the needs of older teens and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Teaches the beliefs and practices of the world’s religions and to become socially responsible citizens aware of others’ needs. Inclusive preschool.
970 Broadway
Chula Vista, CA. 91911
Children’s Ministry for families with special needs.
Children with disabilities are placed in an age or developmentally appropriate mainstream classroom with a volunteer during the church service. The 11 am Sunday service features a specialized curriculum and separate classrooms for a more individualized focus (ages 4 and up).
Monthly support group for caregivers, ecumenical scripture study and OpenHeARTs, a monthly art social. Annual White Mass spotlights inclusion and sensory-friendly Christmas liturgy for special needs families.
Nurturing ministry for children with special needs during Sunday worship services. Individualized attention is based on needs.
One-to-one buddy support on request in the children’s program.